The Waves COVID-19 Information

Last Update: 9:25am, Friday July 3, 2020.

Current Trading Status

The Waves Sports Club is now OPEN. The Waves officially reopened at 10:00am on Wednesday, July 1. Opulence Gaming Room, Horizons Bar, Sticky Fingers Coffee Shop, and Rock Salt Bistro are now OPEN. Some facilities and services remain temporarily suspended including live music and Little Waves Play Facility.

Latest News

Friday, July 3
  • OPULENCE GAMING ROOM REOPENED: 9:25am: As per the State Government's ongoing easing of restrictions, The Waves Opulence Gaming Room is open from 12:00pm today. 
  • FURTHER EASING OF RESTRICTIONS: 9:25am: As per the State Government's ongoing easing of restrictions, from 12:00pm today The Waves is no longer bound with 20 person capacities in dedicated areas. All limits and areas have been lifted/removed and The Waves can now have up to 450 people in the venue at one time. 

Tuesday, June 30
  • STAGE 3 EASE OF RESTRICTIONS: 4:29pm: The State Government's announcement today was an exciting one. From 12:00pm, Friday July 3 restrictions will be eased. The following changes will then apply to The Waves.

    • Sectioned areas of club with patron limits of 20 will no longer apply. Instead, The Waves Sports Club is treated as one venue with a limit of 1 person per 4 square meters of space. This will allow us a total of 350 people in the venue.

    • Forced closure on the pokie room will no longer apply and our newly redeveloped Opulence Gaming Room will reopen.

    • Function rooms will no longer have a patron limit of 20 people and will instead be limited by the 1 person per 4 square meter rule.

    At all times correct hygiene and appropriate social distancing will still apply, but as of 12:00pm this Friday, The Waves will be back to near full operational trade in all areas.

Wednesday, June 24:
  • RE-OPENING CUSTOMER GUIDE: 11:27am: The Waves has now produced an infographic guide to assist members and guests for our planned reopening on Wednesday, July 1. Please click this link or click the image below to view the PDF infographic guide. 

The Waves Sports Club

Monday, June 22:
  • RE-OPENING UPDATE: 9:16am: The Waves will have its reception team back on site from 10:00am - 3:00pm each day to begin taking customer enquiries and bookings. This will be in preparation for our club reopening on Wednesday, July 1.    

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is The Waves open for business? 

Yes, from 10:00am, Wednesday July 1 The Waves reopened the main club, Rock Salt Bistro, Sticky Fingers Coffee Shop, and Horizons Bar, and from July 3, Opulence Gaming Room also reopened. Some facilities and services remain temporarily suspended including live music, bingo, and Little Waves Play Facility.

2. Is bingo still on at The Waves Sports Club?

Yes, all bingo sessions recommenced from and including Wednesday, July 8. Please check the bingo page for session times. 

3. Can I play the pokies at The Waves Sports Club?

Yes, the Opulence Gaming Room reopened on July 3. 

4. Can I book a private function at The Waves Sports Club?

Yes, our Pier One Function Room and Sails Function Room are once again available for booking. Please contact David Frost to enquire. 

5. Can I play KENO or the TAB when The Waves Sports Club reopens on July 1?

Yes, both facilities will be fully operational from July 1.

6. Will The Waves Sports Club have live music when it reopens on July 1? 

Initially, no. All live music will remain suspended until further notice. Live music is due to return to The Waves from July 16.

7. Are The Waves ticketed shows still on?

No, due to precautions surrounding large social gatherings and state border closures we have cancelled all planned ticketed shows for 2020.  

8. Will The Waves honour gift cards or vouchers which expired during the COVID-19 shutdown?

Yes, The Waves will honour all expired gift cards and vouchers which have expired in validity during this COVID-19 shutdown. Please keep your expired gift cards and vouchers and present them to The Waves reception at your next convenience. 

9. Are there specific times I can visit, and are there time limits on how long I can stay?

Not anymore. After 10:00am, July 3, sectioned areas and visitor time limits were no longer enforced and usual trade practice resumed.  

10. Is The Waves safe to visit due to COVID-19? 

Additional to already stringent hygiene policies, The Waves has also put into effect additional disinfecting of surfaces and frequently touched areas, has installed many additional hand-washing stations, and has re-positioned furniture to encourage appropriate social distancing. We are also sending home any member, guest, or staff person who exhibits even minor symptoms of illness such as coughing, sneezing, running nose, fever, or shortness of breath.

With these hygiene and safety precautions in place, no obvious signs of illness in the club, and guided by advice from Queensland Health, we have no reason to believe The Waves is not a safe place to visit.

COVID-19 Precautions in Effect at The Waves

The first necessary measure we have implemented is to send home any visitors who are clearly feeling unwell and are even mildly symptomatic of fever, running nose, coughing, sneezing, or shortness of breath. While we understand this is not an easy or comfortable temporary policy, we do insist that it is a necessary precaution for all, of which we are thankful of everyone’s cooperation.

Additional Actions in Effect:

  • Re-positioning of seating and furniture to enforce appropriate social distancing.
  • Supplying additional hand-sanitiser stations throughout the club.
  • Supplying additional paper towel dispensers and bins near bathroom doors.
  • Supplying individually packaged cutlery.
  • Cancelling events, entertainment, and promotions which encourages large audiences.
  • Sending staff home who are exhibiting even mild symptoms of illness.
  • Disinfecting surfaces and frequently touched areas every hour.
  • Disinfecting pokie machines every hour and upon request.
  • Carefully monitoring the situation and following guidance from the World Health Organisation, other health organisations, and Australian industry specialists.
  • Disinfecting The Waves courtesy buses at the beginning of each day, and hourly, during operation. 

Need to Know More?

For any other questions or concerns relating to how The Waves is handling COVID-19, please email us at or send us a message on any of our social media channels.